The Wonderdog way

What We Do

Our approach to PR and marketing communications helps consumer brands land top
tier national and international media coverage.

Content Creation

Engaging image, article and video content is a creative way to capture public attention. But how many times have you spent time and money creating great content about your product only for no one to see it?

We specialise in editorialising your brand communications to create newsworthy and shareable multi-platform stories that will get your brand on the news agenda and earned editorial coverage in the mainstream media.

Media Distribution

We have an extensive publisher network in multiple countries to ensure your content gets to the attention of the news editors that need to see it, in an editorial format they recognise and to a standard they expect.


True Native

When earned editorial isn’t an option, we offer simple but effective sponsored content solutions. Our True Native format lets users click from an in-feed headline unit to content published on the publication’s article page, at scale, across multiple sites and publishing groups.

Long-form sponsored content in trusted environments achieves industry leading engagement, and our best-in-class technology enables us to report on multiple metrics, from dwell times to reads from social sharing.

Social influencers

Influencers can be important advocates of your brand. They can be celebrities, experts, or even politicians and they can bring wide reach and credibility as well as driving content.

We work with and provide services to a network of more than 2000 social influencers and celebrities who engage mass audiences via multiple channels worldwide.

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